Mabon Ritual

You will need: 1 brown and 1 orange candle plus holders, seasonal offering (pumpkin, apples, or any freshly harvested produce), bread, glass of wine or juice. A pen, paper, matches, and cinnamon incense.

When: Sundown on August 22nd

How: Create an altar with the items listed above. The two candles should be surrounded with all of your seasonal items, with the incense front and center. Light your incense.

Write a list of all of the things you are grateful for, then read aloud and place under the orange candle. Light this candle.
Write a list of all things you wish to accomplish in your life. Place this list under the brown candle. Light this candle.
Close your eyes and visualize on all the abundance you are appreciate for and what it yet to come. Focus on this for a while.
Raise your glass to the God of the Harvests, Mabon and appreciate the blessings in your life. Drink your offering, eat a piece of the seasonal fruit now and in the days to come. Keep both lists somewhere close to your heart and sacred.