Celtic Altar Kit w/Spells, 15 Items
Celtic Altar Kit
Included in Kit: 15 piece set
- Altar Box
- 6x4x3 Oak Box
- Hand painted with Tree of Life Red Blue and Purple Metallic
- Altar Tile - 3" dark wood with gold pentacle inlay
- Candles - Three random color soy spell candles 4 inches
- Safe Travels Charm Bag - coin, sea shells, mixture of travel herbs
- Spell candle holder - gold fairy star
- Pentagram Coin approximately 1 Inch inch
- Incense burner - rainbow resin with gold accents for cones or sticks
- Incense - Hem cones - chosen randomly
- Athame - 6.5" Split Blade Purple Metallic Green Cord Black Glass
- Bell - Celestial one inch+
- Witch's Ash
- glass jar with pine and aspen ashes
- From the MydnytBlu Mountain in Colorado
- 4" California white sage smudge stick
- Hand Dressed Intention Candle 4" soy candle dressed with herbs and oils
- 123 Bonus Spells
- Altar Documents include:
- Step by Step Guide to Petition Magic
- Altar Set Up Examples - Wiccan and General
- The Wiccan Rede - Long Version
- The Wheel of the Year
- 2020 Pagan Calendar
- Detailed Listing and Use of Altar Tools
- Instructions for House Protection Jar Spell
- 23 Bonus Spells
- Protect Your Home from Unfriendly Spirits
- Gypsy Money Drawing Spell
- Connect with a Deceased Loved One
- 20 Unpublished Original MydnytBlu Spells
This kit is excellent for beginners (as it comes with instruction), intermediate and for advanced practitioners.