Casting a Circle
Most spells begin with “cast a circle” and today we are going to discuss what is a magical circle, why do you need to cast one and how you cast a magical circle.
A circle is defined by something in the physical world that you build around yourself before working your magic. I am a solitary witch and I will discuss casting a circle for one, however working with groups, your circle shall be larger accordingly. Circles can be used not only for spells but for meditating. Circles are usually about 5 feet in diameter, give or take. Your circle can be a ring of candles, salt, scarves or simply the four cardinal points. You also may cast your circle without using physical objects and keep it strictly on the energetic plane.
Turn to the south, envision the blazing sun and say, Spirits of Fire, I call upon you.
Turn to the West and imagine the waves of the ocean and the sound of waterfalls and say, Spirits of Water, I call upon you.
Turn to the North and imagine walking barefoot on the Earth’s soil, when you are attuned, say, Spirits of Earth, I call upon you.
Continue to face North and close your eyes. Focus your energy on sending a solid column of roots made of white light deep into the core of the Earth. Retrieve and bring a golden light up from the Earth into your body and say, Mother Earth, I call upon you. Next, you will send a column of white light from the crown of your head into the Cosmos and bring a golden light down from the Cosmos into your body and say, Father Sky, I call upon you.
You should feel connected in your circle, on all sides and from above and below. Feel appreciation for this support you have called up and give thanks, say, thank you, my circle is cast, blessed be. Now’s the time to sit or stand in the center of your circle and meditate or work your spells and magic.
When finished you must close your circle. Stand and face West, envision water with appreciation and say, Water, you were with me and I thank you.
Say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Blessed be, so mote it be.
Lastly, say The circle is open, but never broken.
Sense, feel and imagine all the energy you generated is now being released into the Universe. Trust that it will do it’s work for you and know in your heart that your magic has begun and so has the peace that comes with your work.